Welcome to the PAGES library and bookshop. Browse books, articles and other media via the lists below each subject area.
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Afropessimism - Frank Wilderson III
π₯ Afropessimism and the Anxiety of Antagonism - Frank Wilderson III
π Afropessimism and Futures ofβ¦ A conversation with Frank Wilderson - Linette Park
π₯ An Ontology of Betrayal- Salamawit Terrefe, Joy James, and Frank Wilderson III
π§ Volume XII: Afropessimism- PAGES Pod
π Afro-pessimism: The Unclear World- Jared Sexton
Black and Blur- Fred Moten
Black Skin, White Masks - Frantz Fanon
π Corpsing; or, The Matter of Black Life - David Marriott
π₯ Fred Moten on Palestine and the Nation-State of Israel - Fred Moten
In the Wake - Christina Sharpe
"Incognegro" (by Frank Wilderson) Critical Motifs
π₯ Irreconcilable Anti-Blackness- Frank Wilderson III
π Mamaβs Baby, Papaβs Maybe- Hortense Spillers
On Being Human as Praxis- Sylvia Wynter
Ontological Terror - Calvin Warren
π₯ On Violence- Stefano Harney & Fred Moten
π Phantasmagoria; or, The World is a Haunted Plantation- Salamawit Terrefe
Red, White, and Black - Frank Wilderson III
Scenes of Subjection - Saidiya Hartman
Slavery and Social Death - Orlando Patterson
π The case of blackness - Fred Moeten
π The position of the unthought- Saidiya Hartman & Frank Wilderson III
π The Social Life of Social Death: On Afro-pessimism and Black Optimism- Jared Sexton
π The Undercommons Black Fugitive Planning and Black Study - Fred Moten and Stefano Harney
π Venus in Two Acts- Saidiya Hartman
Wither Fanon - David Marriot
Wretched of the Earth - Frantz Fanon
π A Cautionary Tale On Limiting Epistemic Oppression - Kristie Dotson
π Aint I a Woman - SoJourner Truth
Ainβt I a Woman: Black Women and Feminism - bell hooks
Ar'n't I a Woman?: Female Slaves in the Plantation South - Deborah Gray White
π Beyond Black and Blue: BDSM, Internet Pornography, and Black Female Sexuality - Ariane Cruz
π Black Feminist Theory for the Dead & Dying - Patrice Douglass
Black Feminist Thought - Patricia Hill Collins
Black Feminism Reimagined - Jennifer Nash
π Black on Black Love: Black Lesbian and Bisexual Women, Marriage, and Symbolic Meaning - Siobhan Brooks
Black Women, Intersectionality, and Workplace Bullying: Intersecting Distress - Leah Hollis
Fearing the Black Body: The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia - Sabrina Strings
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl - Harriet Jacobs
π₯ Mapping History, Engaging with Possibility: Black Feminism(s) Today - Joy James, Kris Sealey, & Nathifa Greene
π Mapping the margins: Intersectionality, identity politics, and violence against women of color - KimberlΓ¨ Crenshaw
The Case for Rage: Why Anger is Essential to the Anti-Racist Struggle - Myisha Cherry
π The Combahee River Collective Statement - Combahee River Collective
π₯ The Danger of a Single Story - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
π The Pornotrope of Decolonial Feminism - Salamawit Terrefe
π§ Volume X: The Case for Rage - PAGES Pod
π§ Volume XV: Body Politics - PAGES Pod
π Word to the Wise: Notes on a Black Feminist Metaphilosophy of Race - Kristie Dotson
Baracoon - Zora Neale Hurston
Beloved - Toni Morrison
Between the World and Me - Ta-Nehisi Coates
Giovanniβs Room- James Baldwin
Going to Meet the Man - James Baldwin
If Beale Street Could Talk - James Baldwin
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings - Maya Angelou
Invisible Man - Ralph Ellison
Kindred - Olivia Butler
π My Dungeon Shook - James Baldwin
Queen Sugar - Natalie Baszile
The Beautiful Struggle - Ta-Nehisi Coates
The Bluest Eye - Toni Morrison
π The Bluest Eye - Toni Morrison
The Color Purple - Alice Walker
The Fire Next Time - James Balwdin
The Nickel Boys - Colson Whitehead
The Water Dancer - Ta-Nehisi Coates
The Water Dancer Dec β20: Discussion guide
Their Eyes Were Watchin God - Zora Neale Hurston
We Were Eight Years in Power - Ta-Nehisi Coates
White Manβs Justice, Black Manβs Grief - Donald Goines
π₯ Dilemmas of the Black Male Identity - Tommy Curry
π₯ How Racism Drove the Development of 19th & 20th Century Feminist Theory - Tommy Curry
π Killing Boogeymen: Phallicism and the Misandric Mischaracterizations of Black Males in Theory - Tommy Curry
On Black Men - David Marriott
The Man-not - Tommy Curry
π She Touched Me: Five Snapshots of Adult Sexual Violations of Black Boys - Tommy Curry & Ebony Utley
Soul on Ice - Eldridge Cleaver
White Manβs Justice, Black Manβs Grief - Donald Goines
π You Canβt Stand the Nigger I See!: Kanye Westβs Analysis of Anti-Black DeathβOr a Black Manβs Refutation of the Bourgeois-ization of Black Cultural Criticism - Tommy Curry
Alienation and Freedom - Frantz Fanon
Articulate While Black - H. Samy Alim and Geneva Smitherman
Black Marxism - Cedric Robinson
Black Reconstruction in America - W.E.B. DuBois
Black Skin, White Masks - Frantz Fanon
Bound in Wedlock - Tera Hunter
Extravagant Abjection: Blackness, Power, and Sexuality in the African American Literary Imagination - Dariek Scott
Forty Million Dollar Slaves: The Rise Fall and Redemption of the Black Athlete - William Rhoden
Freedom is a Constant Struggle - Angela Davis
Futures of Black Radicalism - Gaye Johnson
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl - Harriet Jacobs
π Is Islamaphobia Always Racism? - Lauwers
Lose Your Mother: A Journey Along the Atlantic Slave Route - Saidiya Hartman
Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass - Fredrick Douglass
π Polyamory in Black - Justin Clardy
The Black Five: The Epic Story of Basketballβs Forgotten Era - Claude Johnson
π₯ The Black Outdoors - Fred Moten and Saidiya Hartman
π The Burdened Individuality of Freedom - Saidiya Hartman
π The Case for Reparations - Ta-Nehisi Coates
π The Conservation of Races - W.E.B. DuBois
The Life and Adventures of a Haunted Convict - Austin Reed
π The Miseducation of the Negro - Carter G. Woodson
π The Souls of Black Folk - W.E.B. DuBois
π The Undercommons Black Fugitive Planning and Black Study - Fred Moten and Stefano Harney
π The Vocation of the Black Scholar and the Struggles of the Black Community - Vincent Harding
π Up From Slavery - Booker T. Washington
π§ Volume XIII: Black Pleasure - PAGES Pod
π What to the Negro is the 4th of July - Frederick Douglass
Wretched of the Earth - Frantz Fanon
Conscripts of Modernity - David Scott
Horizon, Sea, and Sound: Caribbean and African Womenβs Cultural Critiques of Nation - Andrea Davis
π Is Islamaphobia Always Racism? - Anna Sophie Lauwers
π₯ Israel responds to accusations of genocide presented by South Africa at the International Court of Justice [Jan. 12, 2024]
π Kinship Construction Variability Among Nigerian Migrants: The Context of Contemporary Diaspora - Olayikna Akanele & Akinpelu Olutayo
π₯ On Violence - Stefano Harney & Fred Moten
π₯ Race and Enlightenment - Tommy Curry
Radical Theory, Caribbean Reality: Race, Class, and Social Domination - Charles Mills
π₯ South Africa presents arguments of genocide against Israel at the International Court of Justice [Jan. 11, 2024]
Stains on My Name, War in My Veins: Guyana and the Politics of Cultural Struggle - Brackette Williams
Tackyβs Revolt: The Story of an Atlantic Slave War - Vincent Brown
The Black Jacobins - C. L. R. James
π₯ The Idea of a Moral and Reparatory History of New World Slavery - David Scott
The Jamaican People 1880-1902: Race, Class, and Social Control - Patrick Bryan
A Taste for Brown Sugar: Black Women in Pornography - Mireille Miller-Young
All Boys Arent Blue - George M. Johnson
All Boys Aren't Blue discussion guide
π Allies Behaving Badly: Gaslighting as Epistemic Injustice - Rachel McKinnon
Between Desire and Pleasure - Frida Beckman
π Beyond Black and Blue: BDSM, Internet Pornography, and Black Female Sexuality - Cruz
Beyond Monogamy: The Future of Polyqueer Sexualities - Mimi Schippers
Black and Sexy: A Framework of Racialized Sexuality - Tracie Gilbert
π Black on Black Love: Black Lesbian and Bisexual Women, Marriage, and Symbolic Meaning - Siobhan Brooks
Black Queer Studies: A Critical Anthology - E. Patrick Johnson
Black Sexual Politics - Patricia Hill Collins
Exploring Black Sexuality - Robert Staples
Extravagant Abjection: Blackness, Power, and Sexuality in the African American Literary Imagination - Dariek Scot
π Identity Judgements, Queer Politics - Mark Lance & Alessandra Tanesini
Internalized Homonegativity Among Same Gender Loving Black Men: An Exploration of Truths - P. Ryan Grant
No Tea, No Shade: New Writings in Black Queer Studies - E. Patrick Johnson
Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good - Adrienne Maree Brown
π Poly Economics: Capitalism, Class, and Polyamory - Christian Klesse
π Quare Studies or Almost Everything I know about Queer Studies I learned from my Grandmother - E. Patrick Johnson
π Sexual Contract - Carole Pateman
The Black Body in Ecstacy - Jennifer Nash
The Color of Kink - Arianne Cruz
The Erotic Life of Racism - Sharon P. Holland
The History of Sexuality: An Introduction - Michel Foucault
π The Reimagining Kinship, Gender, and Sexuality in Indigenous Communities Colloquium: An Overview and Reflective Essay - Natasha Stirrett
The Invisible Orientation: An Introduction to Asexuality - Julie Decker
The Spectre of Promiscuity: Gay Male and Bisexual Non-monogamies and Polyamories - Christian Klesse
π Why Yellow Fever Isnt Flattering - Robin Zheng
Against Marriage - Clare Chambers
π Agreements, Rules and Agentic Fidelity in Polyamorous Relationships - Kassia Wosick-Correa
All About Love - bell hooks
Beyond Monogamy: The Future of Polyqueer Sexualities - Mimi Schippers
Black Love, Black Hate - Felice Blake
π Black on Black Love: Black Lesbian and Bisexual Women, Marriage, and Symbolic Meaning- Siobhan Brooks
Black women, Black love - Dianne Stewart
Bound in Wedlock - Tera Hunter
Communion: The Female Search for Love - bell hooks
π Critical Relationality: Queer, Indigenous, and Multispecies Belonging Beyond Settler Sex & Nature - Kim TallBear
Fraught Intimacies: Non/Monogamy in the Public Sphere - Nathan Rambukkana
π Friendship and Reasons of Intimacy
π Honesty in Love - Mike Martin
π How Complex is Your Love? - Aaron Ben Ze-ev and Luke Brunning
π How Does Stalking Wrong the Victim? - Elizabeth Brake
π Infidelity in Romantic Relationships - Frank Fincham & Ross May
Itβs Called Polyamory: Coming Out about Your Nonmonogamous Relationships - Tamara Pincus
π Kinship and Intimacy - Hugh LaFollette
π Love as Valuing a Relationship - Niko Kolodny
Love in the Dark: Philosophy by Another Name - Diane Enns
Minimizing Marriage - Elizabeth Brake
π Monogamy Unredeemed - Harry Chalmers
π Nonmarriage - Naomi R. Cahn and June Carbone
Perversions of Love and Hate - Renata Salecl
π Polyamory in Black - Justin Clardy
π Poly Economics: Capitalism, Class, and Polyamory - Christian Klesse
Polysecure: Attachment, Trauma, and Consensual Non-Monogamy - Jessica Fern
π Putting a Ring on it Black Women, Black Churches, and Coerced Monogamy - Monique Moultrie
Sad Love: Romance and the Search for Meaning - Carrie Jenkins
Singled Out: How Singles are Stereotyped, Stigmatized, and Ignored and Still Live Happily Ever After - Bella DePaulo
π The Breakup Check - Pilar Lopez-Cantero
π The Reimagining Kinship, Gender, and Sexuality in Indigenous Communities Colloquium: An Overview and Reflective Essay - Natasha Stirrett
Til Death or Distance Do Us Part: Love and Marriage in African America - Frances Smith Foster
Veil and Vow - Aneeka Henderson
π§ Volume IX: Sad Love w/ Prof Carrie Jenkins - PAGES Pod
π§ Why Itβs Ok to Not Be Monogamous - PAGES Pod
What Love is and What it Could Be - Carrie Jenkins
Why Itβs Ok to Not Be Monogamous - Justin Clardy
π A critique of pure reason - Immanuel Kant
π A Treatise of Human Nature - David Hume
π Apology - Plato
π An Ethics of Care - Eva Kittay
Being and Time - Martin Heidegger
π Discourses - Epictetus
Discourses and Selected Writings - Epictetus
π Euthyphro - Plato
π Imagining in Oppressive Contexts or Whatβs Wrong with Blackface? - Robin Zheng
π Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?- Edmund Gettier
π Is the Universe Indifferent? Should We Care - Guy Kahane
π Lifeβs Ultimate Questions: An Introduction to Philosophy - Ronald Nash
Loveβs Vision - Troy Jollimore
π Nicomachean Ethics - Aristotle
On Friendship - Alexander Nehamas
On Truth - Harry Frankfurt
On What Matters - Derek Parfit
π The Case for Contamination - Kwame Appiah
The Case for Rage: Why Anger is Essential to the Anti-Racist Struggle - Myisha Cherry
The Importance of What we Care About - Harry Frankfurt
The History of Sexuality: An Introduction - Michel Foucault
The Racial Contract - Charles Mills
π The Republic - Plato
π The Symposium - Plato
What Love is and What it Could Be - Carrie Jenkins
What We Owe To Each Other - T.M. Scanlo
π Why the Indiffernce of the Universe is Irrelevant to Lifeβs Meaning - Brooke Trisel
π§ Why Itβs Ok to Not Be Monogamous - PAGES Pod
A Theory of Justice - John Rawls
After Marriage: Rethinking Marital Relationships - Elizabeth Brake
Against Marriage - Clare Chambers
Are Prisons Obsolete? - Angela Davis
Beyond Hashtags: Racial Politics and Black Digital Networks - Sarah Florini
Black Marxism - Cedric Robinson
Black Power - Kwame Ture
Black Sexual Politics - Patricia Hill Collins
π₯ Charles Mills on Liberalism - Charles Mills
Fraught Intimacies: Non/Monogamy in the Public Sphere - Nathan Rambukkana
Freedom is a Constant Struggle - Angela Davis
π₯ Israel responds to claims of genocide presented by South Africa at the International Court of Justice [Jan. 12th, 2024]
Justice as Fairness: A Restatement - John Rawls
Minimizing Marriage - Elizabeth Brake
π Nonmarriage - Naomi R. Cahn and June Carbone
Our Declaration: A Reading of the Declaration of Independence in Defense of Equality - Danielle Allen
Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good - Adrienne Maree Brown
Political Emotions - Martha Nussbaum
Political Liberalism - John Rawls
Pollution is Colonialism - Max Liboiron
π Poly Economics: Capitalism, Class, and Polyamory - Christian Klesse
Rights, Race, and Recognition - Derrick Darby
π₯ South Africa presents arguments of genocide against Israel at the International Court of Justice [Jan. 11th, 2024]
π₯ Ta-Nehisi Coatesβ Full Opening Statement on Reparations at House Hearing [Jun. 19th, 2019] - Ta-Nehisi Coates
The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a New Human Future at the Frontier of Power - Shoshana Zuboff
π The Case for Reparations - Ta-Nehisi Coates
The Feminist Porn Book: The Politics of Producing Pleasure - Celine Shimizu et. al
π The First White President - Ta-Nehisi Coates
The New Jim Crow - Michelle Alexander
π The Politics of Identity - Kwame Appiah
The Racial Contract - Charles Mills
The Rich and the Rest of Us - Cornel West and Tavis Smiley
The Sympathetic State - Michelle Landis Dauber
Twice the Work of Free Labor - Alex Lichtenstein
π United States Bill of Rights - James Madison
π United States Constitution
π United States Declaration of Independence - Thomas Jefferson et. al.