When and where does the group meet?
Currently, PAGES is conducting its in-person meet-ups (i.e. “Better Dialogue” Book Discussions) on a pop-up basis. We are open to partnering or collaborating with individuals and venues anywhere throughout the United States and Canada. The most up to date information about the next pop-up discussion and its time and location can be found on our “Events” page.
"Do I have to complete the assigned reading or Book of the month to participate in PAGES' Better Dialogue Events?"
We are a reading group and so reading is strongly encouraged.
However, we also fashion ourselves as a “reading lifestyle” brand and welcome the perspectives of all who are interested in anything book-ish.
Just show up and come talk to us! Bring your ideas and your perspectives!
You are what makes Better Dialogues… Better.
"I'm an author and would love for PAGES to review my book/to talk about it as a guest on the PAGES Pod! Is this possible?"
Generally, PAGES reviews books that are internally curated by PAGES’ creators. Additionally, the PAGES Pod team has historically reached out to authors we are interested in interviewing.
If you would like for PAGES to publish a review of your book or to appear on the PAGES Pod, you can reach out to the PAGES team via our “Contact” page form with the subject line “Book Review” or “Podcast Appearance”.
"Do yall do events in *insert your city here*?"
PAGES is committed to building a borderless “reading lifestyle” community across the world. From this commitment, we remain open to hearing pitches from individuals, brands, and businesses seeking to work with us throughout the world.
Interested parties should reach out to the PAGES team via the “Contact” page form with the subject line “Event Pitch” or “Better Dialogue in [your city or town].”
How often does the group meet in-person?
Currently, PAGES in-person meetings are held on an irregular basis. The best way to stay up-to-date on upcoming events is to subscribe to our newsletter or email list.
Do you accept submissions to the PAGES blog?
Currently, PAGES is not accepting submissions to the PAGES Blog.