Volume XVIII of the PAGES Pod published on podcast platforms.
Topic: On Care and Caring

PAGES Pod: Volume XVII
Volume XVII of the PAGES Pod published on podcast platforms.
Topic: The Water Dancer by Ta-Nehisi Coates

PAGES Pod: Volume XVI
Volume XVI of the PAGES Pod published on podcast platforms.
Topic: On Time

PAGES Pod: Volume XV Published
Volume XIV of the PAGES Pod published on podcast platforms.
Topic: Body Politics

PAGES Pod: A Chat with Anastasia the Artist
Listen in as we chat with Anastasia the Artist about her work and process creating the art for the PAGES TRG upcoming merch.
Topic: The work and process of Anastasia the Artist

TurningPAGES: Playlist published
Genre challenge edition!
Genre: Jazz
Playlists curated by Tha Homie Kev & Nannearl:

TurningPAGES: Playlist published
Genre challenge edition!
Genre: Jazz
Playlists curated by Tha Homie Kev & Nannearl:

PAGES Pod: Volume XIV Published
Volume XIV of the PAGES Pod published on podcast platforms.
Topic: Memoirs

PAGES Pod: Volume XIII Published
Volume XIII of the PAGES Pod published on podcast platforms.
Topic: Black Pleasure

TurningPAGES: Playlist published
Genre challenge edition!
Genre: R&B
Playlists curated by Urfavfilosopher & Jai:
Team break
The team’s taking a break for the month of June. Catch yall again starting in July! Until then, you can find us on the socials @PagesTRG

PAGES Pod: Volume XII Published
Volume XII of the PAGES Pod published on podcast platforms.
Topic: Afropessimism

Blog post: Nannearl playlist rationale
Nannearl publishes her TurningPAGES playlist rationale on the PAGES blog.

A Fireside Chat w/ Dr. Justin Clardy on "Why It's OK to Not Be Monogamous"
Join us as we gather to discuss Justin Clardy's new book, Why It's OK to Not Be Monogamous at Santa Clara University on April 24th 2023. The event will begin at 6:00 pm PST and will feature a selected chapter reading by the author followed by a fireside chat with PAGES Pod Co-host Nannearl and an audience Q & A. The event will be followed by a small dessert reception.

PAGES Ltd.: Black Feminisms
Resource 4 in the Black feminist complementary reading archive drops today!

PAGES Ltd.: Black Feminisms (Copy)
Resource 3 in the Black feminist complementary reading archive drops today!

Blog post: Jas/Granny playlist rationale
Jas (aka Granny) publishes her TurningPAGES playlist rationale on the PAGES blog.

PAGES Pod: Volume XI Published
Volume XI of the PAGES Pod published on podcast platforms.
Topic: Why It’s OK to Not Be Monogamous by Dr. Justin Clardy

PAGES Ltd.: Black Feminisms
Resource 2 in the Black feminist complementary reading archive drops today!

PAGES Pod: Volume XI Recording
🎧 Join us on Patreon to listen live 🎧
Live recording of Volume XI on the PAGRS Pod podcast.
Topic: Why It’s OK to Not Be Monogamous with Dr. Justing Clardy

PAGES Ltd.: Black Feminisms
Resource 1 in the Black feminist complementary reading archive drops today!

PAGES Ltd.: Afro-pessimism
Resource 4 in the Afro-pessimism complementary reading archive drops today!

PAGES Ltd.: Afro-pessimism
Resource 3 in the Afro-pessimism complementary reading archive drops today!

PAGES Ltd.: Afro-pessimism
Resource 2 in the Afro-pessimism complementary reading archive drops today!

Blog post: Urfavfilosopher playlist rationale
Urfavfilosopher publishes his TurningPAGES playlist rationale on the PAGES blog.

PAGES Pod: Volume X Published
Volume X of the PAGES Pod published on podcast platforms.
Topic: Discussion of PAGES Quarterly Pick — The Case for Rage: Why Anger Is Essential to Anti-Racist Struggle by Myisha Cherry